October 25, 2023

Fight for your right to privacy: Robokiller’s personal data protection explained

Fight for your right to privacy: Robokiller’s personal data protection explained

Amid the daily barrage of spam calls and spam texts — and given how easy it is for scammers to scrape the internet for information they can scam you with — protecting your personal data has become more critical than ever before.

Robokiller is your key to long-term safety and privacy. It exists to help you take control over your devices and protect yourself from potentially harmful exposure. Read on to understand how data brokers access your private information and why protecting your personal data is essential.

How at risk is your data?

An alarming 95% of consumers have their personal information on data broker sites, meaning your personal data is likely for sale. Without your knowledge or consent, data brokers collect and sell private information for their personal gain — once your information is listed on the web, scammers can buy it and use it to place robocalls, commit identity theft, and carry out other types of fraud.

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Remarkably, research indicates that the average consumer has their information listed on 35+ sites, resulting in more than 300 instances of exposed data per consumer (e.g., age, name, address, family members, etc) and that’s just the beginning. Even if you’re able to remove your personal data from a site, it’s likely to reappear 2-3 times a year. This is where Robokiller’s personal data protection comes in: Robokiller offers ongoing monitoring so you can protect your personal data. 

What is personal data protection?

Personal data protection is exactly what it sounds like: measures taken to help safeguard your sensitive information from unauthorized access, usage, or disclosure. This information could include just about anything — your phone number, email address, location, court records, and even financial details. Keeping your personal data out of the hands of scammers is the best way to avoid identity theft, financial fraud, embarrassing disclosures, stalking, and other life-altering events.

Scammers and other bad actors constantly adapt and evolve their tactics, so it's imperative to stay ahead of them. In a world where our privacy is in danger, the need for effective tools to protect ourselves has never been more urgent. 

Feeling exposed? Robokiller has you covered

Robokiller believes keeping your personal information private is a right. No person deserves to live in constant fear that their personal data is being used against them or their family — that’s why Robokiller is taking privacy to the next level with personal data protection.

Robokiller finds your exposed personal information and helps remove it from data broker sites. Plus, you’ll get ongoing monitoring with regular scans, so you can take down any new exposures. 

How does personal data protection work?

Robokiller uses basic information to scan several data broker sites — more specifically, Robokiller locates personal data exposures by scanning for your name, phone number, age, and email address. By using a range of details, Robokiller is able to ensure it’s removing your data and not someone else’s.

Bottom line: private information and sketchy sites don’t mix. Robokiller never sells your personal data to third parties or data broker sites. Robokiller believes that your personal information should be yours alone to share. 

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How to get personal data protection  

Wondering how to get your hands on this exciting new feature? Robokiller’s personal data protection is included in its Premium+ subscription tier. When you sign up for Premium+, you can block 99% of spam calls and texts and get personal data protection, so you’re protected against harmful scams all around.

With Robokiller, you can get personal data protection for only $96 per year (or $12 per month). Help protect yourself from data brokers and phone scammers all at once with a Robokiller Premium+ subscription. Download Robokiller on iPhone or Android.

Help protect your personal data with Robokiller

In an increasingly complex digital landscape, personal data protection is no longer a luxury but a necessity. With Robokiller's personal data protection, you can take charge of your digital privacy and enjoy a safer online experience. 

Your private information deserves the best defense, and Robokiller is here to provide just that. Get personal data protection now and share your information on your terms.

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